What you need to know
Are preventive visits included in the deductible under a CDHP?
No. Most preventive medical services such as routine physical exams, screenings, and immunizations will be covered 100% under a CDHP, provided you receive that care from in-network providers. Any wellness services are not subject to the annual deductible, co-payments, or co-insurance. It is important to note that if a preventive care visit results in the identification of a medical issue and the provider renders services to address that issue, the consumer could incur deductible eligible expenses. The following points illustrate some of the ways in which CDHP users behave differently from users of traditional insurance plans:
- Routine annual physicals and preventive care: CDHP members are 30 percent more likely than traditional health insurance subscribers to get a routine annual physical and 23 percent more likely to follow their doctor’s preventive care guidelines. The point of routine annual physicals is to catch problems early, and the aim of preventative care is to minimize the risk of developing problematic health conditions in the first place. Preventive care methods include screening for diseases, immunizations, and counseling on how to prevent diseases. CDHP members are educated about the importance of preventive healthcare, catching conditions early, and understand that the earlier something is caught, the less money will be spent on treatment.
There are many pre-existing conditions for various health concerns that we could use to illustrate the power of early detection.
- Treatment programs: CDHP members are 20 percent more likely to follow their doctor’s treatment program for chronic diseases. This is a prime example of cutting costs in the right ways. Although CDHP members are taught to avoid spending money where it isn’t necessary, they are also taught to know when treatment is essential.

Coaches' Takeaway

Tools & Resources
CDHPCoach’s Storage Facility, where the Coach has organized and compiled a vast amount of tools and resources for you to access.

Housed here are key components and information within the book, Bend the Healthcare Trend which was the impetus behind the CDHPCoach.
What you need to know