
What you need to know

Do I have to buy generic drugs in a CDHP? What is the big difference between generic and name-brand ones?

No, you do not have to choose generic drugs over name-brand drugs. However the cost difference may provide a significant advantage. Generic drugs undergo the exact same testing as name-brand ones, and are usually available at a discounted savings. As you become educated on the CDHP, you will soon see the opportunity and empowerment that comes from being aware of costs and making decisions in your health benefits choices.

Coaches' Takeaway

No, you do not have to buy generic drugs, but if you do, you save money.

Tools & Resources

CDHPCoach’s Storage Facility, where the Coach has organized and compiled a vast amount of tools and resources for you to access.


Housed here are key components and information within the book, Bend the Healthcare Trend which was the impetus behind the CDHPCoach.


What you need to know