The Power of CDHP
Consumer Driven Health Plan (CDHP)
Typically lower premiums combined with a Healthcare account.
Promotes Transparency – if you are spending your money you want to know what you’re going to pay.
Promotes Responsibility – Once you know the value of the health services you receive you will make more informed decisions
Promotes Opportunity – The CDHP solution comes with the opportunity to benefit physically and financially
Unused dollars in your healthcare account can be carrier forward for future health care expenses – all tax free!
You make healthcare decisions
Traditional Plan
Typically higher premiums with no healthcare account.
Does not promote Transparency – if you only have to worry about a co-pay you really don’t care what a procedure costs.
Does not promote Responsibility – if you never understand the value of the health services you receive why would you question any directive from your doctor.
Does not promote Opportunity – your general health and use of healthcare services offer no rewards for choosing a better, more cost effective option
HMO and PPO plans, do not return any of your premium for you being healthy
No ability to try alternative method
“Consumer-driven health plans (CDHPs) have surpassed health maintenance organizations (HMOs) to become the second-most common plan design offered by U.S. employers."
—Survey by HR consultancy Aon Hewitt